Why Do We Allow Cut Seed Potato To Cure?

Question: From – momstheword11

Can anyone tell me please if there is an advantage to not planting them until the cut sides are dry? I heard that it helps to let the cut sides dry? Thanks.


Answer: From Papa

The advantage to waiting for cut seed potatoes to heal, is to discourage disease and mold from infecting the cuttings. Plus, I recommend you sterilize the knife you use to make your cuttings to reduce the chance for disease!
Nine years ago I did a video on YouTube with my grandkids! It is amazing the interest this presentation has garnered.
Click link below:
Have a garden question that needs answered? That’s what I’m here for!

Video Guide for Removing Oil from Your Lawnmower!

IMG_2544-002  Papa here. For most of us, it’s time to start mowing. I just changed the oil in both my walk behind and riding lawn mower. I watched a YouTube video which made removing the old oil easy. I will provide a link to this valuable tool, which make the process easier!1-ShopVac oil drain

Oil Removal Made Easy! #1

Oil Removal Made Easy #2

Both methods should make changing oil in any 4 stroke engine much easier and with less mess. I recommend using an oil drain pan to catch any stray oil from the bottles, containers and the main device.1-oildrain pan By the way, you will need a 5/16 drill bit to drill the required holes in cap and lid(s). Have a wonderful spring and summer!


Papa is back!

Spring is early this year. Let’s get busy! You see what’s going on in the grocery stores and supermarkets. All the more reason to start and maintain a vegetable, herb, and flower garden!

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I apologize for the time away. Let’s not look back, but forward. I’m ready, when you are!

The groundhog did not see his shadow. So, we have an early spring.

I have started some of my spring flower and vegetable seeds (with the help of Miss Kitty). Let’s see; broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale for the veggies and bachelor buttons, calendula, dianthus (pinks), hollyhocks, Johnny Jump-Up, Painted Tongue, Zebrina (hibiscus) and pansies for the flowers.


We’re going to be seeing these beauties in the near future. I can’t wait and I’m getting impatient!

What Will Be Your Next Step

Do you have areas marked out for planting? Have you bought your garden seeds and plants? How about your additional supplies? Garden lime, fertilizer, row covers, potting soil, pots, trays, trowels, shovels, etc. will be needed to make your garden a success.

As soon as the ground can be worked, bring in the hoe, rake, tractor and/or rototiller. This is going to take physical effort, so please pace yourselves. By the way, don’t forget your post hole digger, fence posts, and garden wire. The critters will soon be active.

A Quiz for You to Ponder

What are your favorite flowers and vegetables? Do you have a particular tomato that you cannot live without? Almost forgot the herbs! My favorite is Sweet Marjoram. I love the aroma, it is calming to me. Do you know about sweet marjoram flowers? Many of the pollinators are parasitic and parasitoid wasps, which are key at destroying many types of caterpillars.  

I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Thank you for your support!


Spinach Surprise!


Amazing development today. Here it is, February 22, 2024 and to my amazement I found something I was not expecting. I pulled back three layers of floating row cover and was astonished!


Mind you, we had terrible icy, cold weather in mid January 2024. One day it was -26 degrees below zero. Plus, in February 2024 we had frozen rain the size of peas. Row covers are definitely worth the money!

Here is what I found.

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The variety of spinach is called “Space”, which I purchased from Johnny’s Selected Seeds. https://www.johnnyseeds.com/vegetables/spinach/smooth-leaf-spinach/space-organic-f1-spinach-seed-4543G.html. Organically grown and is it ever delicious! Amazing, beyond my wildest dreams!

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The beauty of growing naturally is you do not have to wash your greens until you use them. The spinach will last in the fridge for up to a month. Use a food grade bag or container to store your greens for further use. I use this method of storage for all my greens (cabbage, collards, kale, lettuce, spinach and swiss chard).

Think about your soon to be garden! Looking forward to hearing from you.


Tater Update Three!!!

The potatoes are growing very well! The plants are starting to get flowers! The extra drainage is paying off, despite the heavy rains.

So far no sign of Potato Beetles. Plus, I’m on the look out for fungus!

The next step is to feed the potato rings with seaweed emulsion and watch for critters and disease. When the plants die back and turn brown, then the potato harvest will begin (probably in late June).

It appears this is working so well, I’m going to try this with sweet potatoes.

Talk to you soon!



Spring Tater Update!!

The potatoes are growing. Another layer of tires were added, compost was installed between the growing plants and topped with straw.


The compost used was from last year! Dark and rich with almost no smell!! Hopefully the plants will take off and turn darker green.

Pots of basil and other aromatic herbs will be placed between the tire rings to deter insect pests. Colorado Potato Beetles can be a challenge.

I’ll keep you posted.


It’s Tater Time Again!!

When my son Nathan was here, we planted potatoes in used tires with the sidewalls cut out. Three tires were planted with Red Norland and three tires were planted with Yukon Gold.


We have an issue with standing water from time to time. Piles of composted tree trimmings were leveled out and covered with weed cloth. The tires were placed and the bottoms were filled with sand. The hardened off potato cuttings were placed in the bottom of each tire on top of the sand. Compost mixed with soil was placed on top of the cuttings to cover the cuttings. Subsequently, composted grass cutting were placed on top.


I will keep you posted on the continuing results of this Spring project.


Cold Frame Beauties!

Cole crops, Swiss Chard and pansies (started in January) were started in early February using heat mats and LED lights. (BTW, Cole crops are veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and the like). Mid March the transplants went out to the cold frame. Subsequently, most of the plants took off like a rocket!




The cold frames are made of landscape timbers, lined with one inch foam board. Weed cloth is placed on the ground bottom and the top is hinged 1/4 inch poly carbonate panels.

I use bricks to prop open the top panels when weather allows. All of the crops in the cold frame are now hardened off to moderate cold temperatures 27° – 32° (F).

Fertilizing with seaweed emulsion is the only additional feed used to enhance growth and to immunize for stress.

All of these transplants will be in the ground shortly. They should take off quickly in the cooler soil!

More new info to come!


Who Wants to Volunteer?

Larkspur was planted three (3) years ago. The seed pods let go of their seeds and new plants come up every year!!! These self sown plants are an absolute joy!




What beautiful tall plants with flowers of white, pink, lavender and purple. The plants look so fragile yet they are very sturdy! I look forward to seeing them every year.

What volunteers do you have in your growing spaces? What an encouragement that will be!!!
